Chapter 1


"I don't care, Ashley, you have to marry him," my father said in his intimidating tone, showing no concern for my emotions.

"But, Dad, I don't want to get married," I wiped away my tears, my voice trembling. "I want to focus on my career."

"I don't care about your drawings. I just want you to marry Jeon Jungkook, that's all. You've been a burden in my life," he said in a frustrated tone.

"Dad, they're not just drawings; they're the result of ten years of hard work. You turned them into a source of income for yourself. How can you say they're just draw-" Before I could finish my sentence, a loud slap echoed through the room.

I fell to the ground, my palm on my cheek where my father had just slapped me. I looked up at him with teary eyes, tears streaming down my face.

"Don't you dare raise your voice in front of me, you little piece of shit. I'm your father, and you should show respect. You should be thankful that I'm arranging your marriage because no one else would want to marry a fat girl like you. You're just a burden in my life, and I want you gone." He spat these harsh words at me.

The word "fat" felt like a knife slicing through my heart, tearing it apart. I never wanted to be overweight, but it was my body that seemed to conspire against me. I'd tried every diet and exercise, but things only got worse. I often felt drained, lacking the energy to even carry out daily tasks. I'm a straightforward girl, someone who simply wanted to live her life beautifully.

I couldn't fathom why my parents were so insistent on me marrying a man ten years older than me. I wasn't even sure if he wanted me or if I was merely a pawn in their plans. I'd grown up feeling unwanted, and it haunted me.

Childhood - it was a nightmare I never wanted to revisit. If I had the power, I'd change every moment of it. My mother obsessed over beauty standards, and my father was fixated on wealth. Neither of them cared about me; I was always alone with my art.

Yes, art, the only talent I possessed that brought any profit to my father. He never felt an ounce of shame for reaping the rewards of my hard work. Still, he never cared about me, and I had grown used to it. I no longer cared about them; my focus was solely on myself.

I had hit rock bottom, but now, I was determined to do everything for myself. If my so-called husband tried to control my life like my father, I vowed never to let that happen.

I rose from the ground and started to make my way to my room. Then, my mother called out, "The wedding is in two days, so I've arranged beautiful dresses that can conceal your weight, and a top-notch makeup artist is coming. Be ready to look decent at your own wedding, at the very least."

I replied with a simple "Yes" and moved towards my room, her words echoing with their indifference to my emotions, as she continued to focus on her nail polish.

Sitting on my bed, I opened my phone to while away the time.

Even my so-called friends were two-faced, mere acquaintances drawn by my father's status. But I didn't care about them anymore. I had learned to embrace solitude; no one had been there for me before, and I doubted anyone ever would.

In just two days, my life will undergo a profound transformation, and with all my heart, I hope that change brings only the best for me.


I stared coldly at the man before me, my finger poised on the trigger of my sleek black pistol. The dimly lit room seemed to pulse with tension as the seconds ticked by. I had been in this position countless times, and I knew that in my world, showing mercy was a luxury I couldn't afford.

The man on the other end of the gun was sweating profusely, his trembling hands held up in surrender. His breaths came in shallow, fearful gasps. He had crossed the wrong path, and now he faced the consequences of his actions.

My face remained impassive, betraying no emotion. My reputation as a ruthless mafia leader was well-earned, and I had no qualms about demonstrating my power. In this underground world, weakness was exploited, and I was determined to show that I was the one in control.

With a chilling calmness, I finally spoke, my voice laced with authority, "You should've thought twice before betraying me. Now, you'll learn that there are no second chances in my world." And with that, I squeezed the trigger, my actions cementing my reputation as a man who brooked no defiance.


After the grim encounter in the dimly lit room, I returned home, my clothes stained with blood. It was a world I was deeply entrenched in, one where violence was a part of everyday life. As I stepped into the bathroom to wash away the traces of my actions, I couldn't help but feel the weight of my choices.

The hot water from the shower cascaded over me, cleansing both my body and, for a moment, my conscience. But as I stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist, I was met with a revelation that would shift my world in a way I had never anticipated.

In the living room, there stood a little boy, no older than three, his wide eyes fixed on me as he clutched a teddy bear in his small arms. His innocent gaze met mine, and a rush of emotions washed over me. This was Ju Won, my son, a fact I had been oblivious to until now.

Kneeling down to his eye level, I offered a tentative smile, "Hey there, little guy."

Ju Won's face lit up with a brilliant smile, and he toddled over, wrapping his tiny arms around my leg in a hug. The purity of his affection was a stark contrast to the world I had just come from, and it made my heart ache.

"Papa, plwy wif me," he babbled in his sweet baby voice.

"Okay, my little one, I'll play with you, but have you eaten anything?" I asked, lifting him into my arms.

"Otay," he displayed his two bunny teeth, kissed my cheek, and nestled his head on my shoulder.

As I fed Ju Won his meal, my phone rang. It was my father's call.

"Yes, Father," I answered in a monotonous tone.

"You know that you're getting married in two days," he said in his calm voice.

"Yes, Father."

"Okay, that's great. You should move on, son. Alena was your past."

"I know, Father. I'll be there after two days. Goodbye."



She was the woman who had shattered my emotions, cheating on me behind my back. Even after Ju Won, I had contemplated to kill her , but because of cancer she died , she had very bad smoking habits. I think it was karma.

I didn't care about this impending marriage. What I truly wanted was for Ju Won to have a mother figure in his life. If she didn't want that, then so be it. I was more than capable of being enough for my son. This marriage was merely a business deal my father had brokered with her father.

A deal to unite the Adams and Jeon empires, expanding both businesses and underworld entities. I had agreed to it because in the eyes of the world, I was a successful businessman - Jeon Jungkook. But in the shadowy underworld, I was known as The Jeon Jungkook, a force to be reckoned with.

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