Chapter 2

Author's POV

Two days had slipped away like a fleeting dream, and now it was the wedding day, a day where the destinies of two individuals were destined to be forever altered.

Jeon Jungkook stood resplendent in his extravagant tuxedo, and beside him, Ju Won, his three-year-old son, mirrored his father's elegance in a miniature tuxedo. The father-son duo looked as handsome as could be.

"Papa, whewe awe we going?" the curious toddler inquired.

"It's your father's wedding, Ju Won-ah," Ju Won's grandmother chimed in as she arrived at Jungkook's mansion.

"Gwanma!!!!" The little bunny waddled over to his grandmother, who looked as elegant and beautiful as ever.

"How are you, my son?" Mrs. Jeon embraced Jungkook warmly and planted a loving kiss on his cheek.

"I am good," he replied, returning the hug but maintaining his cool demeanor.

"Ready for the wedding?" His mother questioned him.

"Yes, Mother," they both replied in unison, and with Ju Won in tow, they made their way to the main door of the marriage hall.

Meanwhile, on the other side, a different scene unfolded.

Ashley was in the midst of her preparations, surrounded by four makeup artists who were diligently working to enhance her beauty.

Her face remained devoid of emotion, neither happy nor sad.

"Make sure her makeup conceals any imperfections and gives her a more slender look," her mother instructed, her voice tinged with irritation.

"Yes, ma'am, we're doing our best to make her look as slender as possible," one of the makeup artists replied, a hint of annoyance in their tone.

The stark contrast between the two worlds couldn't have been more evident as the preparations continued for the impending wedding.

As Ashley sat in the makeup chair, her mother's critical eyes never left her. Mrs. Adams seemed to find fault in every detail of her daughter's appearance.

"Her nose should be more sculpted," she commented sharply, as if Ashley's features were mere clay to be molded.

The makeup artists exchanged nervous glances but continued their work, attempting to adhere to Mrs. Adams' demanding standards.

"Make her eyes look bigger and more captivating," her mother added, her tone brimming with impatience.

Ashley, for her part, remained silent, resigned to this lifelong scrutiny. She had grown used to her mother's relentless quest for perfection, which had been instilled in her since childhood. Her worth in her mother's eyes was inexorably tied to her appearance.

As the makeup artists worked diligently to meet Mrs. Adams' expectations, Ashley couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. The grand wedding, the luxurious gown, the meticulous makeup - it all felt like a facade, a mask hiding the true Ashley beneath.

She longed for a life where she could be accepted for who she was, without the constant pressure to conform to someone else's idea of beauty and perfection. But today, in the midst of the preparations for this extravagant wedding, that dream felt farther away than ever.

On the other side, Jungkook arrived at the wedding venue with Ju Won and his mother. The grandeur of the place was hard to ignore, with its opulent decorations and elegantly dressed guests. It was a stark contrast to the life he had known in the shadows of the underworld.

As they entered, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. This marriage was a strategic alliance, a deal struck between two powerful families. Love had no place in this equation, and he was well aware of it.

He looked down at Ju Won, who was wide-eyed and curious about the surroundings. Jungkook ruffled his son's hair affectionately, a silent promise that no matter what happened, he would always be there for him.

As Jungkook took his place at the wedding venue, he noticed that his father was already there, engaged in conversation with their mutual friends. They were a group of influential figures from both the business and underworld realms, people who held great power and influence.

Ashley's POV

The wedding ceremony was about to begin, and nervousness gripped me like a vice. My thoughts were a whirlwind of uncertainty, and I couldn't help but fear how everything would unfold.

"I don't know how he is going to react," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible in the midst of the bustling preparations.

As I glanced around at the opulent setting and the elegantly dressed guests, I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone would be against me or criticize me. The weight of expectations, the pressure to conform, it all felt suffocating.

With trembling hands and a racing heart, I took a deep breath, trying to summon the courage to face what lay ahead. I knew that this marriage was not of my choosing, and the path I was embarking on was filled with uncertainty. But in the midst of my fears, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for something more than what I had been conditioned to expect.

As I stepped out of the room, the delicate veil gracefully covered my face, partially obscuring my view. My heart raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, but as my eyes landed on the man I was about to marry, time seemed to stand still.

He was a vision of striking masculinity, exuding an irresistible air of dominance that left an indelible mark on the room. His sharp jawline framed a face that was chiseled to perfection, and his dark, piercing eyes held a mysterious allure that drew me in.

Dressed in an impeccably tailored tuxedo, he wore it with an effortless confidence that accentuated his powerful presence. Broad shoulders and a commanding stature spoke of strength and authority, and the way he carried himself left no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Every step he took exuded a magnetic charisma that seemed to envelop the room, leaving everyone in awe. He was not just handsome; he was the embodiment of raw, captivating allure - a man who commanded attention and respect effortlessly, a man who was impossible to ignore.

As the veil partially obscured my view, my eyes locked onto the man I was about to marry. I couldn't help but feel a jolt of shock at just how incredibly handsome he was. His striking appearance left me feeling a sudden wave of insecurity wash over me, like a storm of doubt that threatened to engulf me.

In his presence, my own self-doubt was magnified. I couldn't help but compare myself to his undeniable allure, feeling acutely aware of my own perceived imperfections. The fear of people's judgment loomed over me like a heavy cloud, and I wondered if I would ever measure up to the expectations of this world I was being thrust into.

As I approached him, my steps felt uncertain, and my heart pounded with a mixture of awe and trepidation. I couldn't help but wonder how I, an ordinary woman thrust into this world of opulence and power, would ever find my place, especially beside suchΒ  mesmerizing and commanding figure.

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